Thursday, May 29, 2008

Structured Settlement purchasing companies are providing more aid then Bush's stimulus package

selling your annuity may help more than the stimulus package!"Structured Settlement purchasing companies are providing more aid than Bush's stimulus package to families like mine," says LA resident Leza Fayor.

Americans feeling the cash crunch are anxiously awaiting their stimulus check from Uncle Sam, and tens of thousands more wait monthly for their small checks from a settlement, lottery, or annuity. Many of us are unaware as to how our government can afford to allocate funds such as those distributed within the stimulus plan when already we are facing a national deficit of well over 50 trillion dollars. One of the answers to this question lies in the little known truth that the check you are going to receive from Uncle Sam is nothing more than a interest free loan on monies you would be entitled to next year.

Some people are questioning why they were not given an opportunity to either decline or accept this offer. "Had I known that the check I got from the stimulus package was going to affect my return next year, I may have chosen to decline the money they want to give me this year." was a sentiment expressed and echoed by many, including Tom Jacobson, a North Carolina resident and current small business owner.

With an economy that is seeing an average nationwide cost of gas per gallon at around $4.20 for mid grade, and the cost of consumer goods rising, many families and individuals are finding it hard to make ends meet. The housing market has not fared much better, although there are new improved loan programs for those who qualify, many do not meet the required credit criteria and even more are unable to set aside savings towards the down payment on a home.

Individuals receiving payments from structured settlements, lotteries, personal injury, and annuities are finding creative ways to make their money work for them now rather than waiting to collect future payments. Periodic payments that once served as a cushion or supplemental income are shrinking in buying power.

For so many people and their families, they just need a little extra boost to get them restarted on the path to financial recovery. Hoping that their stimulus checks will help boost the economy, President Bush feels that this will do the trick. Unfortunately the average household will spend that one check on less than a month's worth of groceries.

Companies like Woodbridge Investments and JG Wentworth who purchase payments from settlements, annuities, lottery winnings, and mortgages are making it even easier for recipients to get their money now. Realizing that American families all over are facing a time of need, cash flow purchasing companies such as these have increased their funding to accomodate the steadily increasing number of people who just cannot afford to wait for a monthly check and want to sell future payments now.

To get more information and to find out how you can get a large lump sum of cash now, call toll free 1-866-865-7044 ro get an online quote at today!

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